Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Graduate

In the film, there is a lot of use of water. We first see the use of water when ben is sitting by his fish tank. He was sitting there trying to get away from his parents and the party they were having for him. At first the fish tank is something that Ben goes to for relief, to just get away. But in another scene you Benjamin in scuba gear that his dad gave him for his 21st birthday. When he jumps into the pool it zooms out to where Ben looks like this little guy in a big empty space. Representing his out look on life. He doesn't know what to do. He's lonely in this big world. Lastly you see Ben in the pool on a raft while his parents circle around him because they want him to take Elaine out for dinner. While his parents are talking he occasionally put his head in the water. Ben would do this to block out what his parents were saying. He didn't want anything to do with Elaine because of Mrs.Robinson. He tried blocking it out like he does for other things like his father wanting him to go to Grad school.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that Ben at the bottom of the swimming pool symbolized his outlook on life, because he knows he's just a little fish in a big pond. This is the same thing that the fish tank symbolizes, and maybe more of why Ben continues to stare at it. It's interesting that you saw Ben alone at the bottom of the pool as showing him to be lonely, because that wasn't something I originally thought- but it would make sense for this to be part of the cause for his actions in the film.
