Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annie Hall

Annie Hall is a film that features a past relationship of leading character Alvy and Annie Hall. Throughout the film, the use of "fun" effects are used to display emotions and further detail on what is happening. I found that breaking the fourth wall actually made the film more engaging and relatable. Throughout the film, we see Alvy's physical emotion and internal emotion completely different. When Alvy is at the dinner table with Annie's family, we see him break to the camera and tell how weird he thinks her parents are. Another use of the fun effects are when Alvy and Annie are on their first mini date at Annies house. Alvy is asking her many questions about the art in her apartment, but on the bottom of the screen, we see written, "I wonder what she looks like naked", and the same goes for Annie, as she questions what she says multiple times and wonders if she sounds stupid. Another time he cuts to the viewer is when he is in bed with Alison, and she tells him, "you are using conspiracy as an excuse not to have sex with me", and he tells her no, but then cuts to the camera and says, "Well, maybe I was". The use of the fun effects allows the viewer to get a better feel for what the characters are actually feeling. In your opinion, did the breaking of the fourth wall take away from the film or not?

1 comment:

  1. I think the use of these "fun effects" are a big part of why this film is an important comedy. Nice work!
