Friday, October 17, 2014

Annie Hall

One thing that stands out to me in Annie Hall, was the use of "fun" effects that we, as a class, have not seen in any of the films we have watched so far. My favorite was when Alvy would turn to the camera and talk to the viewer. To me, it made me feel as if he was just talking to me and no one else in the room. I think that he did this to create a more intimate feeling among the viewers and the characters. It made it feel as if you were personal friends with Alvy and you were actually talking to him face to face.

Another interesting effect that stood out to me was the use of split screen. Although I have seen split screen in other films and T.V. shows, I thought the one in Annie Hall, was especially unique. When the screen is split between Annie and Alvy and the other characters, I noticed that the screen in unevenly split; it is not half and half, it is three fourths and a fourth, with the majority being focused on Alvy. This was done in order to focus more on Alvy feels, rather than Annie, because after all, Alvy is the protagonist. Also, I think that the splitting of the screen shows just how different they are as people, which is ultimately an insight to why they break up by the end of the film. It is almost used as foreshadowing.

These two effects enhance the witty aspect of not only Alvy, but the film as a whole. What other effects do you think possibly help add to the clever, and humorous nature of Annie Hall? 

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