Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annie Hall

Annie Hall is a movie not renowned for its story line as much as it's use of breaking every unspoken rule movies have, and doing it perfectly. The story begins with Alvy breaking the fourth wall,

there is an animated scene,

 and there are several instances of the present-day characters interacting with memories, but not in a way that depicts them as ghosts or in a dream, as is the only way this is done in any other movie. 

The audience isn't ignored like most movies; instead, Woody Allen chose to include them in the story, to make them feel like they really were watching Alvy Singer throughout his life because he constantly addresses them. This could probably explain Alvy's constant paranoia, and even Rob/Max's worry about getting old- they know they are constantly being filmed, that someone is watching their every move. Alvy is worried about everybody's judgement of him, and Rob about how he looks, both stemming from how they appear on camera. How do the other characters in the film acknowledge that they are being filmed, if at all?

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