Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annie Hall

Throughout the film Annie Hall there are a lot of scenes that break the general rules of what we think a movie should be. When we think of a typical movie, we generally imagine characters talking to only other characters and for them to be in one time, whether that be past, present or future. Though, in this film that is not the case. We see Alvy numerous times break the fourth wall and speak to us, the audience. I believe that this technique, was used at appropriate times in order to engage the audience and make it feel like we were not just watching a plain old film, we were experiencing it with him. Another part of the film that made in unorthodox was when they were in the present witnessing the past. When I say this I am talking about when Alvy is in a room explaining what happened in the past. While he is talking about the past, we see them looking at the same room, but with those past events occurring. At first, this technique was very confusing and hard to understand. Though as it went on, it grew on me and allowed myself and other audience members to get a glimpse as to what Alvy saw. Once again, this allowed us to connect more with Alvy and engaged us more into the film.

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