Monday, October 20, 2014

Annie Hall

The movie Annie Hall successfully uses unique techniques throughout to make it more cinematically pleasing. The most noticeable and frequent one used is the breaking of the fourth wall. Throughout the movie Woody Allen looks into the camera and the audience and basically gives a personal narrative of his thoughts to the audience. These personal narratives tell a lot about Woody Allen's character Alfie in the film and especially shows how judgmental he is.

What is so groundbreaking about the breaking the fourth wall in Annie Hall is how frequent Allen decided to use the technique. He even starts out the opening scene with his character looking directly into the camera and gives us background. This works well with the type of character Allen wanted to present with Alfie. Another reason it's so special in Annie Hall, it incorporates other people in the breaking of the fourth wall. Not only does it give Alfie's inner perspective but it also explains a lot about the character who are also in the scene.

Also Annie Hall has now made breaking the fourth wall a common used technique in the world of television and movies. A modern example of this breaking of the Fourth wall is in House of Cards with Frank Underwood. In both Annie Hall and House of Cards breaking the fourth wall are to show inner thoughts that are necessary to have said but without a narrator.

Not using a narrator helps the audience directly connect what's being said to the character. It makes the actions of the person more expectable and fitting for the characters personality. It advocates for the character gives perspective of the wall breaking.

1 comment:

  1. Rock solid link to House of Cards! Love how you use the stills to support your exploration of the 4th wall. Clever! Don't forget to end with a question.
