Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annie Hall

Annie Hall is a film about a past relationship, that uses multiple flashbacks and humor to portray the story. One of the most interesting parts of this film to me is how Woody Allen would break the fourth wall as well as make the story humorous.

I found the breaking of the fourth wall to be appropriate for this film. This is because Alvy Singer's character is telling a story that has already happened. I thought that this technique is really unique and realistic of how someone would really be telling a story.

For instance, Singer would break character to describe how he wish a situation could have turned out. This is interesting to me because it's as if the movie is happening live, and we are hearing all about Singer's inner thoughts as he continues with how the story happened.

Woody Allen did something similar as he incorporated humor into the film. When there was a funny moment in the film, it made it seem even more realistic because comedy only works if the story seems realistic, but sometimes in the most strange of ways. Take Alvy Singer for example. His personality traits seemed so far fetched, that they became humorous because Woody Allen was so invested in his character. This made the character's portrayal much more real, producing a comedic film.

Was this film intending to create a natural and realistic product?

1 comment:

  1. Great use of stills. Good discussion about Allen's experimental techniques in Annie Hall. Remember to end with a question.
