Sunday, October 19, 2014

Annie Hall

In the film Annie Hall, the director comments on the key to happiness and successful relationships through Alvie and his relationship with Annie. Alvy is a very opinionated character that is easily bothered by little things and Annie grows tired of his ways. Throughout the movie, Alvy tries to figure out what exactly it was that ended his relationship with Annie; he concludes that relationships are crazy yet necessary. The audience is informed that Alvy was married twice before and both marriages didn't compare to his relationship with Annie. He finds her a bit odd in the beginning but is smitten with her sense of innocence and ability to laugh things off. Annie is a singer who doesn't have much confidence in her act, Alvy pushes her to continue and even explore going back to school to further her education. Although Alvy has good intentions for Annie, eventually she thinks that she was never smart enough for him and was irritated at how much he pushed her. Annie is someone who simply wants to experience all that life has to offer her and make something of herself whereas Alvy is a very hostile person who has conspiracy theories about almost everything. Annie even says to him, "Alvy, you're incapable of enjoying life…you never try anything new." I feel as though this was what eventually drew them apart because the two had very different out-looks on life. In your opinion what was the deciding factor that broke the pair up? How did the director show this? 

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