Annie Hall starts off with a shot of Alvy Singer, the main character, speaking directly to the camera. He explains his life in a very pessimistic way, using humor, but gets more serious when he talks about his relationship with Annie. The question of why the relationship ended is the mystery of the film. The story goes through Alvy’s life in a series of flashbacks to find the answer to the mystery.
First, he goes through his childhood. Then he starts questioning his relationship with his first two wives. The film ends by almost celebrating the failed romance between Alvy and Annie.

I like how you reflect on how Alvy's tone shifts as the film goes on and he talks about Annie. Great stills, but you should chat about them too. Also, each blog should end with a question. For example, I wonder why Allen avoids the trap of the traditional happy ending. How might the film have differed had the ending involved Alvy and Annie together?