Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Taxi Driver

One of the many things I found interesting in the movie, Taxi Driver, was the way Scorsese made Travis Bickle always look like a loner amongst crowds. There is always a sense of isolation around him, even when he is with other people. For example; the scene where he is in the cafe with the other taxi drivers, he is still sitting an awkward distance away from them.

There are very few relationships in the film in general. The only real relationships is the odd one between Iris and Travis that forms towards the end of the movie, the one between "Sport" and "Easy" and short lived one between Betsy and Travis. In the two relationships including Travis, the mood is awkward, weird, and in few words, uncomfortable.

The one other relationship is the one Travis has himself because he is such an isolated person. We see what is probably the most famous line in the show when Travis is basically talking to himself, "Are you talking to me?" He is a very weird and awkward character himself and I feel like it comes out more when he is alone than when he is around other people.

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