Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Taxi Driver

Throughout this movie we witness change occur in Travis.

Earlier in the film there is a scene where he is alone in his apartment, practicing for who knows what. He practices a speech and tapes multiple weapons to himself. We have no idea what he is preparing for, but we know that it is obviously not a sane mission. One phrase continues to stick out from this scene, and that's when he says, "You talking to me?"

Later, another scene strikes a similar familiarity. This is the scene when Travis approaches Matthew for the second time. I could predict that Travis was going to pull out a weapon because he slipped, "You talking to me" into the phrase.

 Travis was nervous and didn't want to be the one to do harm, but in his mind it was worth it to be the murderer as long as he is fighting for the greater good, or in this case, against the filth.

Do you think Travis had an ulterior motive for the killings in that scene?

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