Monday, January 5, 2015

Taxi Driver

Taxi driver is a a movie following the journey of a young taxi driver named Travis. A harmless innocent movie shortly turns into a violent dangerous movie. Scorsese uses suspense to lead up to what Travis is going to do in the final scenes. From my perspective I wasn't expecting Travis to go and kill these pimps that are controlling Iris. I knew that he loved her almost like a father and wanted to protect her, but from his personality I wasn't able to pick up on the fact that he was going to kill someone.
Travis is an awkward uncomfortable character at times and tends to stutter when he's talking or talk too much about random topics that make no sense. So for Scorsese to create Travis as a killer at the end of the movie was very unpredictable. He manipulated the audiences emotions by creating a character we could learn to connect to and trust and then all of a sudden turning him into a crazy killer that thinks what he's doing is protecting Iris.
Just from a personal perspective I couldn't have pictured this is how the movie was going to end based on who we got to know Travis was, what do you think?

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