Monday, January 5, 2015

Taxi Driver

I think what makes the film Taxi Driver so interesting is the main focus on the protagonist Travis, and how he evolves from the beginning to the end of the film. At the beginning, he seemed to be somewhat normal, being a taxi driver, and trying to date a girl he had a crush on. But as the film unfolded, you saw these two elements of his life disappear. For example, his short lived relationship with Betsy comes to an abrupt end. But something I noticed was at towards the end of the film, he didn't drive around in his taxi as much as he did in the beginning. Now he was fixated on much more different and dangerous things, such as trying to kill Palentine. It was such a contrast to see how he genuinely thinks he's doing something good for the people by trying to wipe the "filth" off the streets, when really he is endangering so many. Whereas before, when he was doing his job and chasing after Betsy, he was doing normal things, causing little to no problems. I think that this was a good was to show that there is clearly something wrong with Travis, while not directly stating what it was.

It is clear that this film does an excellent job at having the audience infer things rather than just stating them. What other key points of the film did you have to infer?

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