Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Taxi Driver

In Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro plays a man with a lot of mental instability. Travis Bickle's character changes so quickly and so dramatically over the course of the movie. He begins as a war veteran who is most likely suffering from PTSD, but is living his life as a taxi driver, who wants to chase this girl that he likes. Bickle then quickly transforms into an anti-hero who has lost their handle on reality, but still believes that what he's doing is the right thing. Regardless of the actions that Bickle takes as he changes, there is always a recurring motif that stood out to me, the shots of Bickle driving the taxi at night while the same jazzy tune plays. Even though Bickle becomes almost a completely different person, there are still shots of him in his taxi driving around throughout the whole movie, and I think that shows that underneath all the instability, Bickle is still the same man that we first met who wants to be with Betsy and who wants to get on with his life.

Does you think that even though Bickle goes through many changes mentally, that there are still parts of him that are the same taxi driver that we see in the beginning of the movie.

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