Monday, January 5, 2015

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver

         Martin Scorsese mixed violence with a disturbed character and created the dark story of Taxi Driver. I thought the film was pretty slow at times because Travis Bickle is basically the only character and his story (although very messed up) was slow and sometimes even boring. One thing I found interesting was Bickle's obsession with trying to "clean up the filth" in the city while he was one of the low-lifes making it dirty. I knew I didn't like his character from one of the first scenes of the movie when he went to the erotic movie theatre. This scene showed that he was distasteful, and even more so when he brought his date there. I knew he was going to do something awful from the very beginning, but the weird (and frequent) montages of him bulking up and sharpening weapons and the voiceovers validated my belief. I was not shocked at all when he went on the killing spree at the end of the film because the tension kept growing throughout the movie. I think that after Travis killed the first man (the one who robbed the convenience store), he had some sort of adrenaline that enabled him to kill the men at the end. The convenience store scene really stood out to me because the shooting seemed so sudden. I thought it was interesting that the robber was black because it shows the racism in film during that time period. I also noticed that the convenience store owner was wearing a "Tulane" shirt, the candidate running against Palantine. I wonder if the owner was wearing a Palantine shirt if Travis still would have helped him. 

     What else about this particular scene sticks out to you?

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