Sunday, December 7, 2014

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men is a great dramatic thriller film. There is so much intensity from Chigurh simply killing people for his own purpose. Anyone that is a problem or a disturbance to his life, he kills with no second thought. However, the people that didn't necessarily cause any discrepancy and are only trying to get by their own lives he considers their lives within a coin toss. There were a few times were Chigurh came accross people that didn't harm him however he still considered killing them. In those times Chigurh would bring out a coin and ask his subject to call heads or tails. He wouldn't explain what they were calling for and just told them to call one side. Each time, the subject would refuse to call unless they knew what they were calling for. You would think Chigurh would just get annoyed and decied to kill them anyways but the fact that he resist killing them in the first place and gives them a chance to survive shows how he didn't have a true intention to kill them.

What do you think the coin represents?


  1. I think that the coin represents Chigurh's reliance on destiny. He decides to follow the choice of the coin based off of the fact that the old man starts to get in his way. This parallels with the rest of the film, and how Chigurh chooses to follow the path that is made for him consistently.

  2. This film, especially Chigurh, suggests a lot about fate and destiny. I think maybe the coin could symbolize the chance he's giving other people, the people he makes call the coin, to chose their own fate. Obviously there is a lot we as viewers don't know about Chigurh and why he is the way he is. I think he doesn't like who he is but continues to do so because he thinks its his fate. When he gives other people the chance to chose their fate, he is doing something that he himself can't do. So therefore, I think the coin ultimately represents Chigurh's need to change his destiny.
