Sunday, December 14, 2014

Silver Linings Playbook

One thing that I thought was interesting in Silver Linings Playbook were the characters. None of them, not even the supporting cast, were two dimensional. I especially liked how each of them had their own issues, even if they showed it less than Pat and Tiffany. Ronnie whispered to Pat about how empty he felt, even though he seemed to have his life together. Pat's father also has a gambling habit, and evidence of previous violence. This really made them feel more real. Other movies would just have supporting characters have one  defining characteristic that they keep throughout the movie, but that would not make them memorable or interesting.
What other factors contribute to the realism of the supporting characters?


  1. I agree that all of the supporting characters are top notch, but I think that some of them were interesting because of their defining characteristics. For example, Danny is defined by his good natured attitude toward everything, and his devotion to his friends. Although he is the comic relief, he is a very interesting character.

  2. I agree. These characters really make an audience believe what's going on despite how ridiculous some of Pat's comments are. What also contributes to the realism of the characters is the diversity of the characters. No two are even close to the same, whether they're cold, caring, or insane.
