Sunday, December 14, 2014

Silver Linings Playbook

When it all comes down to it, Silver Linings Playbook is nothing more than a love story. The general movement of the story, the major plot points, is nothing that hasn't been done a thousand times before. However, it is the story's clever intricacies and its unique characterizations that hide this fact, and make us feel as though we've never seen anything like it before (this is a good thing by the way). 

In essence, Silver Linings Playbook is a love triangle, between Pat, Tiffany, and Nikki. However, we don't see it this way because in truth, Nikki is not a part of this triangle and never was. Pat however, thinks she is for most of the story, which is what moves the plot along.  The main reason this twist on the love triangle works is the humor created from Pat's insistence that he and Nikki are still together. We laugh at him, but also feel sorry for him, because in truth, Nikki did a horrible thing to him. Therefore, we are able to root for him and Tiffany getting together. We see that over the course of the story, a lesson that applies to everyone: helping other people helps you as well. Namely, Pat helping Tiffany with her dance competition helps him get over the large obstacle in his life that is Nikki.


  1. I did feel partly sorry for Pat, but at the same time, I was mad at him. He insists that he and Nikki are going to get back together. Everyone else flat out tells him that she is gone, but he shrugs them off. Everything he does is for her. He only does the dance so he can contact her. It was very obvious that they weren't in love anymore and wouldn't be together at the end, but he kept trying, even when Tiffany seemed to be a much better fit. We can see that when they first meet, both talking about different medications they had taken, with similar difficulties/issues. They had something in common that no one else they knew did. I think that my frustration allows me to realize how all his family members must feel too. They can't get through to him, and he won't realize the truth.

  2. I agree. This is a love story, but one of the most unique that I've seen. It's hard to put mental illness, a lot of screaming, and death so prominently into a love story, but this story seemed to put it all together. I certainly enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
