Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Scott Yarmoff

Mrs. Robbins

Film Analysis Period 3



Multiple Personality Disorder is when one body and brain goes back and forth between two or more personalities. Norman Bates in this film had a self-made case of Multiple Personality Disorder. He made it to preserve the illusion that his mother was still living after he killed her and her lover. It takes a special level of crazy to achieve this type of action. It's screwed up to a point that not only are his personalities aware of the existence of the other, they can communicate. What's worse is that Norman seems to be so alone (in reality) and occasionally feels an attraction to a guest, which makes his "mother" jealous, so "she" kills the person, leaving Norman as alone and confused as before. He was the one, however, who caused this whole chain to begin, so anyone could definitely argue that it was all his fault even if he was out of his mind during the murders. I got the impression that Norman and his mother got along well before he killed her, so if he loved her so much, why would he kill her just because he's jealous of another man?
Also, this doesn't relate but I'm curious, how does Marion hear Norman and his mother arguing? Is he just speaking in two voices?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that he is. I think the only explanation for the murder is simply the fact that Norman had an extremely unhealthy attachment to his mother, and when some attention was taken away from him, he felt the need to punish them both. Unfortunately, serial killers don't usually view things logically.
