Sunday, September 28, 2014

Citizen Kaneeeee

I really enjoyed Citizen Kane. Orsen Wells is not only great on screen, he convincingly transforms to different ages throughout the film and the fact that he was 25 at the time is amazing.

I know that this film is debateably one of the 'best films of all time'. I don't see where this claim could be coming from. It was very well done and I enjoyed it, I have been much more impressed with many others. Some being Casablanca, Master and Commander, Rush, Blade Runner and others.

One of the interesting things about the film is how Wells jumps around in time so frequently. It reminded me alot of Pulp Fiction and how nothing is told chronologically. I think it really adds something to the story and makes it more interesting...if it is done right. Wells did a very good job with it.

The whole question of the what 'Rose bud' was thrown at the audience ever so often to keep them engaged. Each section of the film is driven by finding out what it means and it naturally adds a well built in climax for the end of the film.

QUESTION: Can one buy happiness?


  1. I like how your thoughts steer off from what is the "norm," as I believe most people would say that Kane is "the best movie of all time," and I agree with you that I don't think it is the best, but maybe it is up there. And the connection to Pulp Fiction was spot on; exactly what I was thinking. As for your question, I think it is impossible to buy happiness because it makes me think, how can you feel happiness from something that you know will not create the genuine feeling?

  2. I agree. Kane is not one of my favorites, but I can appreciate it for how groundbreaking a film it was. In answer to your question, I don't think one can buy happiness, because as we all know, material things don't bring us happiness in the end. I think that in the case of Kane, he thought the opposite was true, as he tried desperately to fill the void in his life that Rosebud had left, but to no avail.

  3. I don't think Kane is really supposed to appeal to kids of our age and understanding of film. It's probably the "best" with critics because of its use of so many tactics and the deep emotions throughout the plot and how there is no Kane flashback to show how he's really feeling. But I do understand your point.

  4. I completely agree with this blog post and I think it brings up some interesting arguments. I agree when you say that Citizen Kane is not one of the best films of all time, although it is a very good movie. However, I do agree with Scott when he says that this film probably appeals to film critics more due to their age and able to relate to things that are occurring in the film. When it comes to your question, I think that money can buy things that can possibly make someone happy for a short period of time, however I do not at all think money can buy someone happiness.
