Thursday, September 11, 2014


Bella Gollomp
Casablanca Blog Post

While watching Casablanca, it is evident that there is a love triangle between Ilsa, Viktor, and Rick. The audience is given very little information about these three characters’ pasts leaving us having to infer and use subtle hints that they drop sporadically throughout the film to piece it together. However as the plot unfolds, the relationship is centered around Ilsa and Rick and why Ilsa chose to abandon him in Paris years ago. We are informed that Viktor and Ilsa are married and were still married during the time she was with Rick, and ultimately left Rick to be with Viktor in the midst of the chaos with the Nazi’s. Both Rick and Viktor are similar characters with vast differences at the same time; it does not surprise me that Ilsa takes on an interest in both of these men. Rick is a “closet romantic” in my eyes, although we are introduced to him as a very closed off guy with little emotion, Ilsa is what brings out his softer side. In their scenes together in Paris, the two are “transported by each other,” as it says in the film. Rick’s famous saying to Ilsa is, “Here’s looking at you, kid”, which I translate into nothing makes him happier than simply looking at her and knowing that she’s his. Like Rick, Viktor comes across as very self-assured and doesn’t take orders from anyone, and he’s constantly shown in a calm manner despite the craziness around him. Both men are alike in the sense of self confidence and most importantly their affection for Ilsa. In my opinion, their most prominent difference is that Viktor loves Ilsa more than she loves him, and it is clear that he is “too nice” to her. The scene between Ilsa and Viktor where he sympathizes with her situation in Paris and lets his love be known to her. “Viktor, whatever I do, will you believe that I, that . . .". "You don’t even have to say it," says Viktor, "I’ll believe." From this scene, the director is letting us know that Ilsa will try to get the letters from Rick and that she may have to employ sexual means to do so. Because Rick is not as much as a “warm” character, I think this draws Ilsa to him. From this love triangle we can see that Ilsa is the type of woman who needs a confident man to take care of her, remain by her side, and love her. Through her actions and exposing of her past, we notice a “shady” side to her that questions motivation and loyalty.Ilsa-Lund-and-Victor-Laszlo-casablanca-9494787-720-540.jpg


  1. I agree with what you said about the similarities between Rick and Lazlo in that they’re both attracted to Ilsa and both are very confident. I also agree with what you said about Lazlo having deeper feelings for Ilsa than she does for him, since throughout the whole movie, they have very few scenes together. And in the scenes where they are together, they aren’t that affectionate in the way that Rick and Ilsa were as seen mostly thorough the flashback.
    Another point that I thought was interesting that you brought up was how you stated that the phrase “here’s looking at you, kid” was used to show how happy Rick was when he was with Ilsa. I also believe that this phrase made his character go from a serious, unemotional character that we see in the beginning of the movie to a playful, warmer man. I think this change in him was an exceptional characterization strategy as seen by a screen-writing standpoint.

  2. I agree with the point you made about Rick being a "closet romantic". I slowly began to see such a tremendous change in character in Rick as we were introduced to Ilsa. In the beginning of the film, Rick has zero emotion, love, or passion for really anyone who he encounters. Even in his own Cafe, he isolates himself from the rest of the characters. But once we see his meeting with Ilsa, everything changes. For the first time, we see his eyes light up and the old Rick that had emotion. I also agree with what you mentioned about Ilsa's need of a dominant powered man in her life, and Rick is the one. Rick constantly calls her kid, and maybe this brought a sense of relief and calmness to her.

  3. I also agree with the comparison between Rick and Laszlo. They both display confidence but in different ways. I believe they are both types of leaders, which means they must have a cocky persona. Rick is confident because of his past relationship with Isla but Laszlo is confident because of his past experiences escaping the Nazis. Either way, these two characters seem fitting for Isla's personality.

  4. I agree with you point that Ilsa is a shady character. Throughout the movie though I think that we sometimes cant even tell what kind of man she wants or needs because she seems very self sufficient. I also agree with the point you made about Rick being a closet romantic because in the beginning of the movie we see him as a self-centered lonely man, but then towards the end of the movie we start to see him open up. He only starts to warm up when Ilsa is around though and so I do also agree with the point that Ilsa brings out the best in him. Laszlo however is a loving character who cares mostly about Ilsa even though he knows she loves Rick. Overall I personally am not sure who Ilsa really needs in her life and what kind of man she wants, but I like your idea that "...Ilsa is the type of woman who needs a confident man to take care of her, remain by her side, and love her. "

  5. You made a great point about Ilsa being very shady. She had an affair with Rick in Paris but then left him when she found out Viktor was still alive. She then told Rick that she would stay with him forever in Casablanca, but proceeded to board the plane with Viktor. This really makes me wonder if she truly loves either man, or if she is just looking out for herself.
    I also liked your comparison of Rick and Viktor, but do you think she could have fallen for any guy? These were the only two men that we saw her with, but could there perhaps be more?
